Friday 3 January 2014

Drawing 'Journey' Project

For the 'Journey' project, i instantly thought about making my project about an entire day and the things i see/do.
As leicester is my hometown and i grew up near the city, i know my way around and everything is familiar to me. 
I thought it would be interesting to document everything i did in a day, from waking up at home, having my morning coffee, travelling to uni, going to work, my favourite places and pick out the most important/interesting images. 
To start this project, i would need to take photographs or sketches of everything i did from morning to night. 
Personally, i like to record all the things that make me happy like meeting with friends and eating good food. I think that this project will be very personal to me as i think that the path that each person takes in a day is very different and you can tell a lot about a person by the little things that they do.
I also think that each piece of my work can tell the story, even if it doesn't really fit together, its really just made up of little snapshots of the little things that i notice or do that is personal to me.

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