Sunday 12 January 2014

Artist: Justine Ashbee

Justine Ashbee is an artist based in Seattle, WA and Brighton, UK.
All of her work is hand-drawn with paint pens. Her work consists of amorphous shapes which appear to resemble waves which seem to grow and morph into precise, delicate forms. 
Her work is entirely improvisational 
Artists comments on her work: "I’m utilizing stark, amorphous lines to trace the movement and human experience of the non-linear and imaginational realms. Through this intuitive visual language, a negotiation of the visceral and everyday human experiences of beauty and pleasure, and feeling are given voice."

I chose to look at Justine Ashbee's work as i found her style intriguing. I like the way that the abstract shapes show movement and look quite alive. 
I'd like to use this style as part of my contemporary print project as i like the line work and i think that it could be used to show textures and small details. 
I would think that this style would work quite well for close ups for the wood grain and patterns that i took pictures for. 

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