Saturday 4 January 2014

Artist:Naoko Ito


Naoko Ito is an installation and sculpture artist from Tokyo, Japan. She has a BA in science of design and graduated from Musashino Art University in Tokyo.
In her series titled 'Urban Nature,' she cut tree branches into small pieces and placed them into jars, assembling them into their original shape. 

The pieces show the way that nature is trapped and destroyed by man-made objects and controlled and contained. 
It also shows the fragility of nature and how easily it can be manipulated, especially by man.
I find the concept really interesting as it shows a lot of things about control and manipulation. As well as the more obvious meaning that nature is being trapped in the jars, this could also symbolise the way that people are trapped and controlled by society or by its own creations. The tree branch could represent an individual that wishes to grow as a person or find individuality and 'branch out' but is limited because of their surroundings.

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