Tuesday 18 March 2014

Drawing Project - 2nd Term

For the self-directed drawing project, I wanted to look at the way in which people socialise and live in daily life, the way technology has taken over most aspects of life including socialisation. Personally, I believe that people have become too reliant on the use of mobile phones, cameras, tablets and computers. I wanted to explore this more by considering the opposite of these things. This led me to explore the concept and theory of phenomenology. Phenomenology is the philosophical study of the structures of experience and consciousness. To put it shortly, phenomenology is the way in which we look at and consciously notice the things around us and our experience in daily life.   To use this information for my work, I considered ways in which to explore the concept of phenomenology by showing the things which people would normally not notice or be aware of while in a public place. Without looking at our mobile phones whether on the train, in the park or at a gig, we notice more about the smaller things that are around us and make us think about the things we wouldn't take a second glance at if we were so absorbed in our technology. To oppose these issues, I am going to take a visual diary of observational drawings of people and things which I notice throughout different situations to pick up in these things which tends to fade out as we become obsessed with our technological world.

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