Tuesday 25 March 2014

Artist: Guy Denning

Guy Denning was born in North Somerset in 1965. He started using oil paint when he was a child and moved on to study painting in the 1980's as a degree but was unsuccessful. He continued to paint while studying Art history with the Open University and learned painting techniques from older painters he know in England. 
Since 1992 he has been exhibiting his work around Britain and since 2007 he began to exhibit in the US and the rest of Europe. 

Pictures: https://www.facebook.com/guydenning

Denning's work uses powerful brush strokes and scratches in the paint to express emotion. This effectively shows the intensity of the emotion which he is trying to portray. He also occasionally blocks out features such as the eyes or the mouth to emphasise the themes of darkness, despair and horror which seems to flow throughout a lot of his work. Although not much personal information is known about the artist, or even information about the work itself, it is unclear whether the work is portraying his own emotions or the expression of somebody else. 
Personally, i think that his use of material such as charcoal is successful. Both charcoal and oil paint gives the artist the opportunity to work into the surface and create some emotive marks and lines. The use of black and white is particularly effective as this detracts the attention from the colour and more to the use of the marks or brush strokes.

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