Sunday 16 March 2014

Agnes Cecile: 'drawing restraint'

This painting has to be one of the most influential images for my current project.
The painting is be Agnes Cecile, it was created using black ink in 2010. i was drawn to the expressiveness of the use of the ink and its free flowing marks and splatters. 
The painting is powerful and raises many questions such as 'who am i?' 'am i the person i want to be?'
It makes the viewer consider these questions about themselves. Despite the lack of description from the artist, the painting appears to be concerned with identity or hidden thoughts of feelings. 
The image has a sense of breaking free or opening up to reveal ones 'true self.'
When i viewed this piece for the first time it made me think of the things we contain, the feelings we don't show and the things we keep from everyone else. 
I think that the way we view the piece varies from person to person, it could relate to someone viewing it that wants to break free from their current position, their job, where they live, their social situation.
It could also relate to someone who suffers in silence, somebody that has a lot to say but chooses not to say it.
Altogether, i think that the painting is a very powerful image that could relate to anybody viewing it. I think that the style suits the general mood of the painting and its also aesthetically pleasing and eye catching.

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