Thursday 1 May 2014

Drawing Project Development

For my final pieces in my drawing project i want to sketch as many observational 'snippets' of life as possible. Wherever we are, the people around us go ignored because of the way society has grown to communicate through technology and people have grown into a world where we speak more over social media than to the people we are next to on the bus or in a class. 
The entire object of the work is to show the things that we are ignorant to while we are looking at our phone or looking at a screen. 
I used the inspiration i got while exploring David Hockney's work by using the simple line drawings. Although still incomplete, i believe that in a collective piece it will look like the small moments captured by the conscious and subconscious mind all in one bulk piece but separate moments.
I also thought about when i read that an artists sketchbook is very personal and unique, i believe that this is true with this work as not one person sees the same as another. These pieces are things which i have personally experienced and noticed myself in my own life.

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