Wednesday 9 April 2014

Artist: Franz Klein

Franz Klein was an american painter associated with Abstract Expressionism. In the 1930's Kline worked with figures, he painted landscapes and cityscapes. His black and white work suggests references such as bridges and industrial buildings. 
His black and white work came about with the help of a projector so that he could use his drawings to show the dynamic shapes. 
His work is inspired by the New York City landscape and created the shapes and lines using the projector to blur the lines until they became abstracted.

Mahoning, 1956, 203.2 x 254 cm

For my own work, i am more interested by the style rather than the subject. I think that the lines and brush strokes can show a lot of emotion, the speed which the lines were made and the width of the brush all have an effect on the outcome. 
I think that the large scale has a positive effect as the piece seems more intense. The use of black and white also gives it more of a simplified quality but at the same time it attracts more attention to the black on white rather than the fuss of colour.


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